Creativity belongs in classrooms.

Gather ideas, be inspired, and learn how open-ended art and play experiences nurture social-emotional development, foster essential critical thinking skills, spark innovation, and develop creative confidence.

We inspire transformation.

Join us on March 18 for "What Brings You Joy?"

Join us on March 18 for "What Brings You Joy?"

  • This course is a must for any educator (especially pre-service teachers), so that they can already be set up for success rather than learning the traditional worksheet model that we see in a lot of schools right now, and then having to learn a new way to teach down the line. Creativity, choice, and freedom is something that all children deserve 💛

    Rachel S., ECE, Materials Matter Course customer

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Find Flow

Flow is different than focus or concentration. There is a joyfulness that comes from being fully immersed in a creative experience. Learn to create an environment where children can deeply engage with materials, problem-solve, test out their own theories, and trust themselves.

Promote Agency

Children know when they are in a space of agency because they feel supported in their choices and safe to be who they are. We’ll show you how to honor the ideas and experiences of each child so they can become confident decision-makers, innovators, and problem solvers.

Practice Flexibility

Shift your perspective about what is possible in working with young children. When educators adopt a more flexible mindset about classroom environment, approaches to materials, and responses to creative experiences, the space becomes a joyful, innovative, inclusive one for all.

WORKSHOPS: Professional Learning Series

A 5-part series of virtual workshops during the 2024-25 school year that explore materials, environments, mindsets, and systems, all rooted in our unique approach to creative learning. We’ll show you that this work is not only possible but essential in any and every setting. Live workshops will be recorded and available with unlimited access.

ONLINE COURSE: Materials Matter

Are you ready to embrace more process-focused creative experiences, see children as capable and full of good ideas, and learn how materials are the path to bringing creativity, innovation, and joy into your classroom? Then it’s time to enroll in Materials Matter!


Our art and play curriculum guides are designed to be used flexibly with young preschoolers through the primary grades. They center on broad themes that are connected by simple, easy-to-prep and clean-up invitations, extensive picture book guides, as well as academic and social emotional curricular connections. Each guide provides a month's worth of meaningful, creative explorations. Year-long bundles are also available.


Are you interested in purchasing our course, workshops, or curriculum guides for your school? We receive feedback every day from educators that our programs integrate easily into any established curriculum. We’re on a mission to support educators and school administrators in honoring the creativity of all learners. Find out more about our Title 1 and bulk rates.


Do you want to nurture creative confidence in your classroom? Download our FREE 10-page mini playbook and get a taste of our Materials Matters course, with 14 open-ended ideas to try.