Schools & Groups

We have found that most early childhood curriculums lack open-ended art and play ideas that develop creative thinking skills and that authentically foster social emotional skills. There are over 300 early childhood educators and caregivers using our guides across more than 30 countries, and we hear from them every day how grateful they are to have a source that easily integrates into their established curriculums. We’re on a mission to support educators and school administrators by offering our curriculum in bulk to school districts and groups. Learn below about which program is best for your school, and reach out to us to schedule a meeting.

“If you’re in a district where you feel the need to defend play, the curricular connections will be incredible talking points. These guides honor children and leave so much room for them to take the lead on their thinking and learning.”

Liz, Kindergarten teacher

Materials Matter Membership

This is our new 10-month series exploring foundational art & play materials with weekly invitations and real stories from the classroom. As new content is created and delivered monthly, teachers can follow along together in our member community. With this membership, you will also receive a curriculum guide of your choice each month. Read all about our Materials Matter Membership here.

  • $224 per classroom (1-10 classrooms)

    $168 per classroom (10-25 classrooms)

    $135 per classroom (25+ classrooms)

  • You can download anything you receive during the year and use it for a lifetime. We hope you renew your membership after a year if you wish to continue being part of our teacher community or if our new content interests you, but our Materials Matter Membership ends in August 2024.

  • Yes! Our Materials Matter Membership is a 10-month series from September 2023 to August 2024, but you can join at any time and will get access to all content created thus far on your membership portal.

Curriculum Guide Bundles

If you are looking for a 10-month, school-year curriculum that you receive all at once, then you can purchase any of our three seasons for your school or group. We suggest you start with our latest season, Developing Self. Receive 10 guides along with 20 printables. This is a great option for planning the year ahead and for familiarizing yourself with our core product and philosophy. Teachers can join our community page for free and have access to our team at any time for support.

  • $200 per classroom (1-20 classrooms)

    $180 per classroom (20-50 classrooms)

    $165 per classroom (50+ classrooms)

  • Purchasing a curriculum guide bundle is not the same as joining our membership. You will not create a membership portal where all of your materials live, but rather you will be sent an email with all of your PDFs to download and keep. You will be able to register for our free community page, but you will not have access to the Materials Matter Membership area. However you will have access to our VIMEO library, and can reach out to our team anytime for support.

  • Yes! If your school or district wants a year of our curriculum at once and also wants to join our membership, we would love to give you a break. Please email us to discuss!