Make a Cardboard Easel

Children love painting on an easel. Painting in a vertical position is also important for building arm and wrist strength, developing spatial awareness, engaging the core, crossing the midline, and more. If you don’t have an easel but do have a cardboard box, here is a simple way to cut and construct the box to make a perfect table easel.


Here’s what you need:

  • Large cardboard boxes (ours are 18″ x 18″ x 16″)

  • Sturdy scissors, a Klever Kutter or box cutter

  • Duct tape

  • Sticky velcro (optional)


1. Cut your box so that you have two hinged pieces.


2. Cut a long piece of duct tape (about 26″). Tape the end to one side of the cardboard, then fold the tape over in half, taping it back on to itself to create a strap.


3. Repeat this step on the other end so that you have two straps.


4. Cut a piece of sticky velcro in half and attach one to the duct tape and one to the cardboard. Or if you don’t have velcro, just use some tape. You are done!


Now you have a portable easel that can be folded up and put away if needed. You will want to tether it to the table when in use since it’s so lightweight. We taped ours to the table.


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