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Make: Wet Felted Stones
The process of wet felting is very simple and can be enjoyed by both toddlers and adults alike. It is a fully immersive, water-filled, sensory experience that can be experienced at home in a sink, or in a classroom with some bowls.
Managing Big Emotions and Building Resilience with Clay
Clay is a flexible and responsive material and offers a comforting, satisfying means for expression and communication, encouraging children to shape their thinking into tangible forms.
5 Ways to Use Shells In Process Art and Play Based Learning
Incorporating shells into process art and play-based learning is a fantastic way to spark curiosity and creativity in children. They can practice fine motor skills, develop their sense of wonder, and connect with nature.
Homemade Playdough Recipe
Homemade playdough is so easy to make and lasts for months! You can also change its color and add scented oils or glitter for an even fuller sensory experience.